When should I book services for my wedding?

Wedding dates are booked on a first come first served basis. Along with all of your other important vendors, the sooner you confirm your date and reach out the more likely your date is available.

What services do you offer?

The team offers formal hair styling and airbrush makeup.

Is there a contract I sign for booking?

Yes all brides are required to sign a contract to secure their wedding date. The contract includes all day of information like location, number of services, etc.

Do I have to be getting married for hair or makeup services?

Nope, we offer hair and makeup services for all occasions.

when do you suggest having a hair/makeup trial?

I always suggest having a trial for when you have an event, shower, attending a wedding or even for a dressed up date night. It’s always nice to feel special and glam when you have your hair and makeup done professionally, make it worth it sis!

how far will you travel for services?

We’ll take a plane, a train or an automobile. We’ll meet you in whatever city. Travel fees are based on mileage/flight pricing. All of those fees will be discussed in your email thread with Elizabeth.

can bookings be made thru instagram?

DM’s are NOT a valid submission for your wedding date. All submissions can be made via the “contact” button above or via email to elizabethscottcompany@gmail.com.

Want to chat with us or have any other questions? type up an email to elizabethscottcompany@gmail.com and elizabeth will be waiting to chat!